System 3R WorkPartner 1+

WorkPartner 1+ 适用于铣床、研磨机、电火花成形加工、线切割和激光加工机床,其在单件生产和批量生产应用上拥有同样的效率。



Pallet systems in the LIGHT magazine
No of levels
No of pallets/level
Pallet systems in the LIGHT magazine No of levels No of pallets/level Total
Macro 54/70 8 10 80
Macro PT (70x70) 8 10 80
Macro 116 8 6 48
Macro Chip Guard 8 6 48
Matrix 110 8 6 48
Matrix 142 5 5 25
MacroMagnum 156 5 5 25
GPS 70 8 10 80
GPS 120 8 6 48
ITS50 8 10 80
ITS72 8 9 72
ITS115 8 6 48
ITS148 5 5 25
Pallet systems in the HEAVY magazine
No of levels
No of pallets/level
Pallet systems in the HEAVY magazine No of levels No of pallets/level Total
MacroMagnum 156 5
Matrix 110 5
4 20
Matrix 142 5 4 20
GPS 240
5 2 10
Dynafix 280/350 5 2 10
ITS148 5 4 20
5 2 10
Pallet systems in the ROTARY magazine
No of levels
No of pallets/level
Pallet systems in the ROTARY magazine No of levels No of pallets/level Total
Macro 54
7 36 252
Macro 70 7 30 210
Macro 116 5 12 60
Matrix 110 5 12 60
Matrix 142 5 12 60
MacroMagnum 156 5 12 60
GPS 70 7 20 80
GPS 120 8 6 48
GPS 240 5 6 30
Dynafix 280 5 5 25
ITS50 7 36 252
ITS148 5 12 60
UPC Fork/RCS 5 4 20

备注:使用 Macro、MacroTwin 或 Unimatic 进行线切割时,需根据客户具体情况确定解决方案。每个支架的物料库数量完全取决于工件固定设备的性质,而非取决于托盘系统。


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